Richer Text

Getting started

Important: As of RicherText.js v2, we no longer require a dependency on React/react-dom. Now's the perfect time to try it.

Installation (Ruby on Rails)

View the Ruby on Rails installation page.

Manual Installation

Use yarn, npm, pnpm or whatever package manager works for your project:

yarn add @afomera/richer-text

Import RicherText into your JavaScript entrypoint. This will ensure the RichTextEditor initializes and the web component is available to you.

import "@afomera/richer-text";

Next import the css from the node module. Depending on your setup this may have to change for your project.

@import "@afomera/richer-text/dist/css/richer-text.css";

Optional: If you’d like to use the syntax highlighting, import a theme to customize the styling. Any highlight.js supported theme will work.

We like the github-dark theme from Highlight.js:

@import "highlight.js/styles/github-dark.css";


To use the Richer Text Editor, we need to pass the web component content to be rendered and optionally, a set of attributes we’ll use to initialize it. Passing an HTML element id as input will allow RicherText to automatically update the value of a hidden field for you.

Your full HTML will need to look similar to this:

<input type="hidden" value="" id="post_body" />
  content="Your initial content"
  placeholder="Write something..."